Thursday, August 29, 2013


Well I'm not sure what to put. 250 words is a lot to do. But here goes nothing. My name is Brian Adams, but I'm not Canadian. I do like rock music though, but I also like just about everything else. I have a passion for acting that should have got me into Company, hadn't my immune system choked on itself. I promise I will this year. Even if I measles or whatever is dangerous. Yes that is the passion I have for it, I've been to a convention for acting. Meanwhile though, I also like watching TV, but all teens do. I love sleep, if I could I'd sleep till noon. But I would watch my favorite shows as well. I guess you could say I'm weird, cause I have the greatest imagination you wouldn't believe. I'd tell you about it, but then I'd have to go into detail, and then we'd be sitting and talking for a while. I also seem to get off track sometimes, so I apologize in advance if I zone out. I probably will not do that, because my parents would get me if I wasn't paying attention. This year shall be an interesting one for me, because I plan to get straight A's. I'll do my best, and whatever happens happens, but I plan for this to happen. I won't get into MIT by doing nothing. Did I mention I want to go to MIT? Well I do, and for buisness and engineering in fact. Watch, you'll be buying my products in 10 years and I'll be chilling in my own place. Oh, and I flew a plane this summer. Just want to put that in there. I hope this blog thing works out, so we'll see what happens. But for now, see you later.