Sunday, March 30, 2014

Old Money, New Money, and Everyone Else

Our dear friends the rich people have their own set of classes. Though they are all part of the upper class, they separate themselves by how old the money is. Mark Zuckerburg is new money. The Kardashians are new money. Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, and the like are most essentially old money. The thing about it is, the new money does not want to be new money. At least that's the general idea, from the middle class perspective. It may in fact be backwards now, because old money is thought of as old, senile, ignorant, and void of understanding to the middle class. They do not want to be thought of that anymore. They want the look of Bill Gates, donating billions of dollars every year. They want the respect of old money, with the adoration of new money. Everyone wants to be new money, where you can be extravagant with anything. Justin Bieber has a $10 million dollar house. The mansions that are built are more and more amazing, there's one that is shaped like a spaceship, and the cars are lightning fast and supreme to the middle class cars in every way. Ferrari's come in at nearly $1 million per car, and the horse power they pull out are miles above most others. We as americans, as Capitalists, as humans, want more of what is good. It was ingraved into our minds 200,000 years ago living on the skin of our teeth. We got as much as we could get. We shouldn't let it consume us, and make us sacrifice our "humanity", but we should instead remember why we do what we do and keep it separate from our being. That's all that matters.