Sunday, September 8, 2013

Arrivals...There Goes the Neighborhood

The neighborhood is gone in 2 scenarios. If it's raided by crazy people, or it is nuked by somebody. In the case of the Americas, it may have been both. "Now, let me be clear..." When I say nuked, I refer to the diseases that spread through and wiped the majority out. And when I say raided by crazy people, it's pretty simple to understand. These explorers were not rational thinkers in the traditional sense, they came through, traded then killed the Natives, and took all land. They were crazy, sure they had their moments when they were smart, but for the most part they were crazy. Just like paranoid drug dealers. It's the only logical explanation, at least to me. Then again, there were explorers that were nice to the Natives, but they were unintentionally killed off by European diseases. Can't stop disease or nukes (unless you're America ['Murica]) That is why nowadays when people move in/out, they tell the neighbors beforehand so that they're prepared. So that if it's raided, the neighbors are prepared and can do something about it. If they are least they knew beforehand. That way, when the neighborhood goes, you can step in front of it and say "STOP!"


  1. My attempt to provide a logical explanation will involve expressing a different opinion on the matter.

    "The explorers were crazy— the explorers were not rational thinkers in the traditional sense."

    Did the explorers, and other foreign explorers around them, think it was crazy to take unclaimed land as theirs and take it away from the barbaric, lowly natives? No, not many. (In the traditional sense, wouldn't it be okay to do such things? There are many instances where the meaning traditional could be completely different, depending on the time period.) It's a matter of perspective. The explorers had profit, religion and competition in mind when they set out to the New World.

    On the other hand, we were taught that it was wrong to kill and steal and abuse because that's where the evolution of ideas brought us. Opinions grow more and more different as we go back in time. However, I won't deny the fact that diseases (or nukes, as you put it) caused a great disturbance in the New World.

  2. Totally not writing this comment for homework but whatever...

    I don't fully think that the explorers can be called crazy as they did have a solid goal in mind,and that was to take over as much land and resources as possible, even if those objectives are seen as immoral by us. However, such actions weren't seen as immoral and crazy, but were often expected from the explorers. They had their own sensible reasons, as Miss Nancy said.

    In the end, it doesn't really matter how you view history, this is a writing assignment after all. So I will say that I enjoyed reading your piece and hope you continue to do more like this.

  3. I find both sides of this discussion interesting. I understand Nancy's and Aidan's point, but I also some what agree with Brian's argument. I would just use a different word than "crazy". I believe that it was the explorers' arrogance and ignorance that explains their actions. They did see the Natives as inferior to them, and once they got to America they weren't acceptive at all of the Natives religion and beliefs.
