Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thankful for You

I don't know whether this will show on my page. I am typing from my phone for reasons. Anyway, I an thankful fur many things. But for this post,I am thankful for Aidan Acosta. He's my friend, and when I walked into English 2 in the first day, I needed to see a friend. Sure there was Devin and Nancy and Holly, but Aidan just seems like he's more...there. Not counting Pokemon X, then he's just unresponsive to the world. But otherwise he's someone to be thankful for. It helps that he's smart and a fast analyzer. So yeah, Aidan I better be someone you're thankful for. I got my eyes on you.

1 comment:

  1. <3
    I'm thankful for you being thankful Brian Adams, and though I didn't write about you in my blog, you hold a special place in my cardiovascular system.
    Much love, and many thanks, keep up the good writing.
