Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Short Story

Ouija Weapon

Author's Note: Technically this is 1065 words, but irrelevant. I wrote this story in a 2 person narrative kind of thing. This is one guy's perspective, namely David. So don't think this is all I wrote cause I have another 1100 words locked and loaded. Enjoy.

“Look out!”
“There’s no where to go”
“Whatever you do don't let him get away”
“David, are you ok?”
“He’s bleeding, how is he bleeding? I thought he was immortal”
I lay on the cold floor, my comrades feet in my line of sight. My sight in itself is blurry, and I continuously fade in and out. I can feel Sam on my stomach, trying to hold pressure to my bleeding wound. God it hurts, like when you’re riding a bull and you fall off, and then it proceeds to trample you.
“Sam, how is he?”
Another pair of shoes has walked up, but I can't tell who it is. The power in her voice makes it seem like a higher ranked officer is in our presence. And there’s only one person that’s higher than me on this battlefield.
“Mary, your shoes are not from this millenia,” I say jokingly. I smile, as though I'm completely fine.
“David if you weren't injured I’d disintegrate you,” she says.
“Do we have to talk about that now?” Ruth asks. “I mean, look at what we are in!”
It is true, Phoenix is littered with traces of disintegration. All the buildings that depended on what was once there has now collapsed. Emmanuel decided here to launch a surprise attack on the Ouija and cripple their Weapon before it moved past testing.
“What’s our status Analiya? Where’s the Weapon?” I say to her while I try to get up.
Analiya snaps out of her daze. She looks at me and I see in her eyes the calculations flying through her head. Her skills in world analyzation landed the rookie here, of all places, with my squad.
“Tango Squad Delta has moved the Weapon to an alternate warehouse ten miles outside the suburb perimeter. Your vitals are stable, however we need to find our residential Guardian medic to fix that...that um...ahem, that hole in your side.”
“Thanks beautiful, let’s see now.” I stand up and get a full view of what’s around me. Everyone is present and accounted for, thank God. I only see a minimal amount of injury.
“David, I must get going now, General Emmanuel needs me,” Mary said
“Can’t it wait? Mary you are needed here to take down the Weapon,” I pleaded with her. As strange as it is, I really believed we needed her.
She paused, considering my words. Then simply replied, “No, this is a four man squad and the Alpha team at that. I’m not a fighter David.”
I sigh and just say “Fine then Mary. Go help him, but come back when you’re done OK?”
“Of course old man, I wouldn’t leave you hanging,” she says. The wind picks up, her hair blowing in a way that only a model on a catwalk could pull off. And just like that, she’s gone.
“Analiya, where to?” I ask
“The closest known Guardian for the injury you have is Esther. But David, she’s moving about freely in enemy territory.” Analiya said, looking puzzled. She couldn’t comprehend how a supermedic could be in a hostile environment without backup “How is she-”
“Esther is an...unconventional operative of Cloud 9, Analiya,” I say delicately.
“What do you mean? Is she a spy?”
“Kid, Esther is someone who will do whatever it takes to defeat the enemy,” Sam said, exasperated at the kid’s lack of knowledge.
“Sam, don’t be so rude,” I say. “Analiya is as bad as you were when you joined Cloud 9.” Sam sulks away, and keeps close to Ruth as we survey our new route. He suggests we simply fly overhead, but I put that idea down immediately. They could spot us easily from below, and our camouflage would have no effect. Analiya reminds us that Esther is in the opposite direction of the Weapon, as far as across the Mexican border even.
“Then shouldn’t we head towards the other direction?” Sam asks. “We can’t let the Weapon leave Phoenix, the government is sending in people to investigate the nuclear meltdown, as far as they know,  as we speak.”
“No! the Weapon requires us to all be at our very peak. I can’t, we can’t face it until we are equipped with the right gear,” I say. “As much as I would love to destroy that thing now, I wouldn’t be able to touch it, let alone annihilate it.”
“Then what should we do with the Weapon? It will be on it’s way soon,” Ruth asks indignantly.
What will we do? I think to myself. Then I remember the most obvious thing, that we are not alone in this fight.
“We call in the Bravo squad,” I say with confidence. “They can pursue the Weapon at least until we are back on our feet.” There are groans in the midst. “I don’t care that you have no taste for those guys, if you want this to succeed, then you have to do what is necessary.”
And so we decided to go after Ruth. Getting out the city unharmed was a rigorous challenge in itself. Each turn we made there was one tango after another, oddly enough patrolling in pairs. We were able to take them down of course, but they wore us out. By the time we got out the city, we had to take a break.
“Sam, can you spin out some food?” Analiya said. “I’m starving”
Sam looked as though he would pass out, his energy was completely spent. And yet everyone also seemed to take glances at me a lot.
“Why do you guys keep staring?” I say.
“We’re all tired David, but you have been losing energy due to that wound all day.” Ruth comments. She is sweating, but her intense brown eyes have more energy than Hiroshima’s Little Boy. I should know, I played a hand in it.
“Yeah man, you need to sleep. Just lay down, we will keep a lookout for anything,” Analiya responds.
I want to protest at first, but my whole body just instantly obeys them. The body wants what it wants apparently, I thought. I layed down on the ground, and just as I  began this day I saw their shoes once more. I guess I could sleep for just a little bit. Gently as the winds breezes by my eyes droop down and I drift off into sleep

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