Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thankful for You

I don't know whether this will show on my page. I am typing from my phone for reasons. Anyway, I an thankful fur many things. But for this post,I am thankful for Aidan Acosta. He's my friend, and when I walked into English 2 in the first day, I needed to see a friend. Sure there was Devin and Nancy and Holly, but Aidan just seems like he's more...there. Not counting Pokemon X, then he's just unresponsive to the world. But otherwise he's someone to be thankful for. It helps that he's smart and a fast analyzer. So yeah, Aidan I better be someone you're thankful for. I got my eyes on you.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

I Celebrate Myself

Willlow Smith released a song a year or so ago titled "I Am Me" It was completely different from previous songs, and it extended her new hair-do and her outlook. She essentially escaped what was expected, and continued to do so. Long story short, that song was the start of her truly celebrating herself. It is in this way that we must do the same for ourselves. I do what I do, and I have no regrets. I make my mistakes, I play my games, I act my heart out, I sing even if it's not my vocal range (as long as I like the song). I do these things, and many others because that's who I am. You celebrate yourself by doing you, being real, and all the cliche preach crap that comes with it. Willow is still doing that, she is still making music in fact, and being criticized for being too mature and being too emotional. But she doesn't care about the critics (don't say haters, that's annoying), and neither do I. Celebrate yourself by Being Yourself. You'll regret it otherwise. (see Miley Cyrus)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Edgar Allen Poe

Edgar Allen Poe. New England's finest writer of the 1800s arguably. A man who "reinvented" the sci-fi world. This man died at only 40 years old. This man, who wrote so much, whether it be the dark romantic and gothic poetry, or his dabble in horror that was meant to be a joke. and wrote even till death, we remember as the Romantic Period's knight in shining armor. I admit I have not read all his work, but I guarantee you that his work surprises you at the end (at least in his Gothic stories)As to his direct poetry, it is dependent of his mood and outlook on the world. At one point he was an anti-transcendentalist (although he is stated to have said he didn't hate it, but rather the fakes among them). Regardless, I personally would say The Raven was his best poem. Although I'm probably not even the billionth person to say that, but it is. It's flow from one word to the other is this unique, Eminem-would-more-than-happily rap along with imagery that tingles the mind. Normally, I would read it, be impressed, and move on. But when you analyze anything you find more than meets the eye. Edgar was a great writer, The Raven was superb, and it doesn't hurt that The Simpsons used it. If only he could've seen The Stylus published, he would be satisfied.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

What is an American?

This thing was malfunctioning for a moment. But that's a part of being a modern american, having technology that spazzes out on you. An American is a simple definition, a person who was born, is a current citizen, or identifies even in other countries as being from America. However going truly into the "definition" of American is like the denominations of Protestantism, it will never end in it's diverse and dividing soul. Being American comes with the benefits of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the Bill of Rights that guarantees the many things some countries simply don't have. Granted, those freedoms can be suspended depending on the scenario,but we still have them. Being American means originating from one place, and then being here. Some people wonder when you can just be plain American, but an American is indeed as Crevocoeur (don't know if I spelled that right) once said, "a melting pot" of culture. America is essentially the Eastern Hemisphere given the greatest thrill of it's life. Being American means being at the forefront of breakthroughs, having new technology at our fingertips. An American is the one who lives here and is generally proud of what we are. I say generally cause let's face it, we have our flaws. We are also war paranoid to an extent, but less so now that the UN is here, and we are pulling out of the Middle East (they really don't like us [US hahaha!]). We (well our government) can't handle money. Just can't, they're the people you swear you will not give your money to. But as I said,  we have flaws, but we're human, not just American. We are proud of our ups, and weary and watchful of our downs. It will only strengthen us to be better. Because an American is not a quitter. An American is not someone you can push around. An American is someone who is proud to call themselves an American.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Modern Puritan

Puritans. The more strict and "pure" denomination of the Christian faith. It has brought about some horrors of the world, such as the Salem witch trials. Since then, they have kept quiet so to speak and the world has progressed far past that restrictive and oppressive/suppressive state. Minus the 1900s, that was a pretty bad time to live just about anywhere. At any rate, there are only pockets of the restrictiveness that Puritans exhibited that still remain. There is the gay marriage ban that exists in Russia. Even though many have said something against it, as of now Putin hasn't changed his mind. There is North Korea and being cut off from the rest of the world (no internet, no phones, human rights being ignored, etc). And Kim's obsession with nuclear power. Just a tiny obsession, but just enough that the UN has to crack down on him and he recedes into his country, taking the country with him. Speaking  of UN crack downs, Syria!!!!!!!!! Syria has been fairly (relative term, don't shoot me!) oppressed and then started fighting back. And we know what happened and stuff, but the point is that something was too strict on them, and they said no more. And we have the conservative side of the Islamic faith that requires women to show absolutely no skin. So we have modern Puritans, but not in the literal since. And strangely, most if not all of this is not inside America. America does a lot of things bad nowadays, but we are the champions of freedom. Even though we have NSA spying but that's beside the point.
                                                           Modern Puritans

Sunday, September 15, 2013

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

The Crucible is a play/movie that sheds more light on the Salem witch trials. With a fictitious spin for entertainment of course. But at the center of this play is Abigail and John Proctor. And when accounting for the lechery that occurred between them, these 2 characters entrance you to finish the story no matter what. But at the end of the day, John isn't with Abby, Abby gets angry, Abby gets revenge, the revenge goes horribly wrong and Proctor ends up a "convicted" witch. You go a step further, and Proctor is hung for not admitting. Truth be told I honor and admire his determination to not confess to a lie. Even if it means his untimely end. He is not a witch, everyone knows it, but these things happened in Salem and they panicked. John Proctor didn't die a stooge, he died a martyr. He died for what he believed to be right. He made mistakes in his life, yes but that's what makes us human. What makes him redeemed is trying to fix the mistake he made, even if it puts himself in danger (which as we can see it did). If John Proctor actually existed and this is an accurate portrayal of what happened, then I salute you in heaven John. You represent the human capacity for conviction.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Arrivals...There Goes the Neighborhood

The neighborhood is gone in 2 scenarios. If it's raided by crazy people, or it is nuked by somebody. In the case of the Americas, it may have been both. "Now, let me be clear..." When I say nuked, I refer to the diseases that spread through and wiped the majority out. And when I say raided by crazy people, it's pretty simple to understand. These explorers were not rational thinkers in the traditional sense, they came through, traded then killed the Natives, and took all land. They were crazy, sure they had their moments when they were smart, but for the most part they were crazy. Just like paranoid drug dealers. It's the only logical explanation, at least to me. Then again, there were explorers that were nice to the Natives, but they were unintentionally killed off by European diseases. Can't stop disease or nukes (unless you're America ['Murica]) That is why nowadays when people move in/out, they tell the neighbors beforehand so that they're prepared. So that if it's raided, the neighbors are prepared and can do something about it. If they are least they knew beforehand. That way, when the neighborhood goes, you can step in front of it and say "STOP!"

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Well I'm not sure what to put. 250 words is a lot to do. But here goes nothing. My name is Brian Adams, but I'm not Canadian. I do like rock music though, but I also like just about everything else. I have a passion for acting that should have got me into Company, hadn't my immune system choked on itself. I promise I will this year. Even if I measles or whatever is dangerous. Yes that is the passion I have for it, I've been to a convention for acting. Meanwhile though, I also like watching TV, but all teens do. I love sleep, if I could I'd sleep till noon. But I would watch my favorite shows as well. I guess you could say I'm weird, cause I have the greatest imagination you wouldn't believe. I'd tell you about it, but then I'd have to go into detail, and then we'd be sitting and talking for a while. I also seem to get off track sometimes, so I apologize in advance if I zone out. I probably will not do that, because my parents would get me if I wasn't paying attention. This year shall be an interesting one for me, because I plan to get straight A's. I'll do my best, and whatever happens happens, but I plan for this to happen. I won't get into MIT by doing nothing. Did I mention I want to go to MIT? Well I do, and for buisness and engineering in fact. Watch, you'll be buying my products in 10 years and I'll be chilling in my own place. Oh, and I flew a plane this summer. Just want to put that in there. I hope this blog thing works out, so we'll see what happens. But for now, see you later.